Canada's New Time Machine Brings You Back to the 40s, Circa 1948

Canada’s New Time Machine Brings You Back to the 40s, Circa 1948

Welcome to Vancouver, 1948. No, you’re not dreaming. The Circa 1948 is an incredible innovation that achieves virtual reality!

Would you like to take a walk down the humble alleys of Vancouver in 1948?


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I recently stumbled upon an interesting find – an almost-time-machine(!) that recreates the sights and sounds of 1948 Vancouver. Step into Circa 1948, a 3m high and 4m wide white box and discover mysterious dark streets, sounds of impending riots and pungent smells of Vancouver.

Created by Stan Douglas, the Circa 1948 project achieves a virtual reality and level of interaction that only exists in video games. The visuals are so detailed, you can even see the tiny keyhole in the door! This is a pretty kickass machine if you ask me, but it gets even better.

The machine is able to detect your position and adjust the visuals surrounding you accordingly. Basically, if you walk forward, the pictures on the walls will also move in response. The box in fact features a story with intriguing characters and an interesting plot, most of it inspired by the shenanigans that occurred in history. If you listen hard enough, you’ll be able to eavesdrop on the characters conversations.

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How does it work you ask. Well, Douglas one day unearthed an entire collection of blueprints, maps and photographs – using developed software, he turned these into explorable 3D renders, recreating history.

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When Douglas was asked why he wanted a time machine, he said its the same reason anyone would want one – “It’s selfish. I want to experience it myself. I want to experience mid-century Vancouver, this period of transformation – and so I worked with others to make that reality.”

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Challenging the boundaries of art and media, Circa 1948 attracts many to the Tribeca Film Festival in New York City, where it is featured. Officially opened on April 23, the art installation will continue till 27th April. All visiting New York during this time should definitely visit this particularly unique and innovative attraction!

If you’re not in New York, not to worry. An iPad/iPhone version of Circa 1948 was launched on April 22 for enthusiasts all around the world to experience this walk down Vancouver’s 1948 streets. As the resolution varies across different modes, the visuals are large enough for a full-body experience and become small enough to show on your phone without slowing it down.

About Author

Anisha Charan

Swimming through deep waters or scaling down the side of a cliff, Anisha has an adventurous spirit that ignites her love for travelling. A girl in love with nature, she is passionate about protecting the environment and saving endangered species. She hopes to retire in a Scottish castle one day with a large pile of fictional books and some lovely hot chocolate.