In case you’ve been thirsty for Park Seo-joon updates, thirst no more. According to IMDB, Park Seo-joon will be part of the main cast of Captain Marvel 2: The Marvels!
Last month, Korean news outlets received word that our beloved PSJ would be making his Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) debut. But his agency said “No comment.” Well, things have taken a turn for the better, because now we actually have proof that Park Seo-joon has secured his role in the MCU. Screenrant also backed up the updated cast list on IMDB saying, “The characters appearing in ‘The Marvels’ may be a four-member group, including Park Seo-joon’s character.”
They also mentioned that PSJ could potentially play the role of Amadeus Cho, a Korean-American superhero who’s actually the Hulk’s sidekick. His superpowers are similar to the Hulk wherein a green-looking personality takes over to exhibit superhuman abilities, such as super-strength, stamina, and regenerative healing powers. And just like Bruce Banner, Amadeus Cho possesses super-genius intelligence.

Image credit: Park Seo-joon Official Facebook Page
Also read: Park Seo-Joon and Han So Hee to Co-Star in New K-Drama? Find Out Here!
Our oppa Park Seo-joon deserves no less than being a badass superhero! These are the only updates as of the moment; but we’re definitely excited to learn more about the new Captain Marvel movie where PSJ will be appearing. Yes, we’re claiming it!
Featured image credit: Park Seo-joon | Official Facebook Page; Marvel Fandom | Official Website