Air New Zealand Did It Again: Watch Their Newest (Incredible) Flight Safety Video

Air New Zealand Did It Again: Watch Their Newest (Incredible) Flight Safety Video

Make sure you have a safe flight by watching this Flight Safety Video created by Air New Zealand!

We all know that safety in a plane is paramount for a safe flight but most of us find it difficult to absorb all the information on flight safety videos. After all, normal flight safety videos tend to be so boring.

Air New Zealand
Image Credits: Air New Zealand

Cue Air New Zealand, the hero of flight safety videos that the world needs. They brought a smile on our faces with their Hobbit air safety video but they one-upped “The Most Epic Safety Video Ever Made” with this safety video, which features some of the top pro surfers in the world surfing on some glorious beaches.

But wait, you say. Surfing and flight safety are two completely unrelated things!

Air New Zealand managed to combine surfing and air safety by placing airplane seats and using the beach and surf as a backdrop. By utilising objects normally found on the beach like folding chairs and surfboards then connecting these objects to seats on a plane, Air New Zealand’s safety video draws our attention to their air safety message in an extremely creative manner.

Additionally, surfing legends from around the world narrate tips for a safe flight rather than the flight attendants on normal safety videos. We don’t know about you but we think that it makes us feel a sense of intimacy towards the speaker, a quality that the rest of the flight safety videos out there lack.

So take a look at Air New Zealand’s flight safety video and tell us what you think in the Facebook comments below. And if you feel inspired to take a trip to New Zealand, here are some of the cheapest packages available!

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TripZilla inspires travel with guides, tips and stories by our community of travellers in and around Southeast Asia.


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