Bali Tourist Tax Increase: Local Officials Considering 500% Price Hike

Bali Tourist Tax Increase: Local Officials Considering 500% Price Hike

Time to revisit your Bali travel budget.

Bali, a tropical paradise for many travellers, is considering a significant hike in tourist tax. Proposed by local officials, the new Bali tourist tax increase could skyrocket from the current IDR 150,000 (around S$12.30) to a whopping IDR 750,000 (approximately S$61.60). This five-fold increase is a hot topic with potential consequences for both tourists and the island itself.

Also read: Bali Implements New Tourist Tax: This Paradise Comes With a Price Hike Starting 14 Feb

The reason behind the new Bali tourist tax increase

Bali tourist tax increase

Image credit: bloodua via Canva Pro

The proposed increase stems from concerns about unruly tourist behaviour. Some visitors’ disrespectful actions have tarnished the island’s idyllic reputation, so officials believe that a steeper tourist tax could act as a deterrent, encouraging more responsible tourism.

The potential benefits of the tourist tax increase vary. Proponents argue that the additional revenue could be used to bolster security, improve infrastructure, and fund environmental initiatives throughout the island. A dedicated tourism police force, funded in part by the Bali tourist tax increase, is also being considered.

However, the proposed price hike has its share of critics. Some fear the hefty price tag could discourage budget-conscious travellers, negatively impacting Bali’s tourism industry, a major source of income for the island.

What’s next for Bali’s tourism?

The future of the new Bali tourist tax increase remains uncertain. But while it’s in the works, let this be a reminder for us to always be responsible tourists.

Also read: Bali Guide: Must-See Spots in Every Tourist Town

Travellers considering a trip to Bali should continue to stay informed about the developing situation. This sudden price hike, if approved, could significantly impact travel budgets.

Featured image credit: tawatchaiprakobkit via Canva Pro

About Author

Patricia Caleon
Patricia Caleon

Patricia is a simple girl who likes to express herself through pictures and words. Not much for talking; writing and taking pictures have always been her way of telling people of her stories and adventures. On a normal day, you'll probably see her reading a good book in one hand and a cup of coffee in another.