Japan is Considering a Dual Price System That Could Mean Higher Price for Foreign Tourists

Japan is Considering a Dual Price System That Could Mean Higher Price for Foreign Tourists

Go on, and get your Japan trip out of the chat group!

In a bid to stimulate domestic spending and create a more equitable economic environment, some businesses are considering implementing a dual price system for their products. This approach aims to differentiate pricing for locals and tourists, promoting local spending and ensuring that residents benefit from more affordable pricing on goods and services.

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Introduction of Dual Price System

Image credit: Gargolas via Canva Pro

How the Dual Price System works 

The dual price system sets two different price points: one for Japanese residents and another for foreign tourists. This system applies to various sectors, including transportation, entertainment, and dining. By implementing this strategy, Japan hopes to strike a balance between catering to the influx of tourists and maintaining affordability for locals.

Japan’s dual price system’s impact on tourists

Image credit: Gije Cho via Canva Pro

While tourists may experience slightly higher prices, the overall impact is expected to be minimal. The slight price differentiation is designed to support local economies without adding a significant burden to international visitors. Tourists can still enjoy Japan’s rich culture, attractions, and cuisine while ensuring that locals can also enjoy more affordable options within their own country. 

How will it be implemented

To implement this system, businesses across Japan will display dual pricing clearly, ensuring transparency for both locals and tourists. Compliance will be monitored to prevent any misuse of the system. Additionally, identification methods will be established to differentiate between residents and tourists, ensuring fair application of the pricing strategy.

Malaysia implements a similar system of pricing, where local identity card holders generally enjoy cheaper prices at certain attractions compared to foreign passport holders. 

Public reactions and future outlook

Some restaurants are considering offering discounts to locals rather than raising prices for foreigners.

On the other hand, experts on tourism policy have stated that careful consideration is needed when attractions like Himeji Castle review their prices.

Also, some people have voiced their opinions that it is not fair to have a dual pricing system based on nationality, especially when Japan is welcoming international tourist travel. Moreover, the difference in pricing should not reduce the overall enjoyment for tourists in order to justify this strategy.

Also read: New Electronic Travel Authorisation for Japan: What You Need to Know

Japan’s dual price system is a forward-thinking approach to balancing tourism and local economic stability. By ensuring that locals have access to more affordable goods and services, while still welcoming tourists, Japan aims to create a sustainable economic environment that benefits all parties involved.

Feature image credit: Sora Sagano | Unsplash

About Author

Preedee Teo
Preedee Teo

Preedee seeks meaning in oscillating between the extraordinariness and mundaneness of life. Every once in a while, he’ll emerge from his cave of introspection with an irresistible urge to trek across the world. Don't wave at him when he's not wearing his glasses. All in all, he is a preedee chill lad.