Recent powerful earthquakes have put Japan on high alert. This has raised concerns within the travel industry about the safety of foreign visitors. There’s worry that tourists could be at risk during a major disaster due to language barriers and insufficient multilingual emergency information.
A strong earthquake hit the waters near Kyushu on 8 Aug 2024, prompting widespread warnings across southern Japan. Experts are worried that this quake may be a sign of a more devastating earthquake to come along the Nankai Trough. If a massive earthquake similar to the one that caused the 2011 Fukushima disaster strikes, the impact could be catastrophic.
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Increased seismic activities amid mounting concerns

Image credit: Japanese Meteorological Agency (JMA) | Official Website
Insufficient multilingual safety information
Masaru Takayama, head of a Kyoto-based travel agency, is worried that there isn’t enough safety information in foreign languages for tourists visiting Japan. He pointed out that crucial resources like maps showing areas at risk of earthquakes, tsunamis, and landslides are mostly in Japanese, designed for locals and not for travellers.
Takayama stressed that the lack of information in other languages could leave foreigners without instructions on where to go, how to get medical help, or where to find shelter during a disaster. He said there’s a serious lack of information and that the government needs to address this issue as it impacts the whole tourism industry.
Travel industry takes action
Due to increasing worries about the lack of disaster preparedness, Takayama led a meeting to improve the company’s emergency plans. The main goal was to establish procedures for locating employees and tourists, making sure they are safe, and organizing their evacuation or medical care if needed.
Japan’s tourism board provides online safety information for visitors, but Takayama believes hard copies should also be available at key locations. He acknowledges that this would require extra effort from local governments, but argues it’s essential to protect foreign tourists. Takayama is hopeful that the recent earthquake concerns will motivate authorities to take action.
Trip cancellations due to fears
The recent increase in earthquakes has impacted travel plans, with reports of a rise in trip cancellations from South Korea and China. Despite a record-breaking 3.13 million foreign visitors in June, including about 70,000 from South Korea, concerns over seismic activity are causing a decline in travel to Japan.
Ashley Harvey, a travel industry veteran with extensive experience in Japan, emphasized the need for improved emergency plans and information in multiple languages. She suggested that this information should be easily accessible in print form at places frequented by tourists, such as hotels and museums.
Recent seismic activity and precautions
The powerful earthquake on 8 Aug 2024 prompted Japan’s weather agency to issue its first-ever alert for a massive earthquake in the Nankai Trough region. Subsequent earthquakes in Kanagawa and Hokkaido have only increased concerns about a major seismic event.
Japanese authorities have called on the public to be disaster-ready. People living in high-risk areas are advised to stock up on essentials like food, water, and first aid supplies. They should also know where to go and how to get there in case of an emergency.
Authorities in 29 prefectures at high risk of a Nankai Trough earthquake are setting up evacuation shelters. As a precaution, some beaches are closed, bullet trains are slower, and certain local train lines are temporarily shut down.
Potential consequences of a major quake
Experts have cautioned that a major earthquake in the Nankai Trough could generate a massive tsunami, up to 10 meters high, that could strike coastal areas within minutes. Depending on where the earthquake hits, major cities like Osaka, Kobe, Hiroshima, and Fukuoka could be severely affected.
Experts believe there is a high probability, around 80%, of a major earthquake occurring in the Nankai Trough within the next three decades. This emphasizes the critical importance of enhancing safety precautions and providing clear information to both locals and tourists.
If you are travelling to Japan in the near future, it is best to keep in mind a few safety precautions to prepare yourselves in the event of an earthquake.
What to do in the event of an earthquake

Image credit: Japan National Tourism Organisation | Official Website
Before an earthquake
Plan and prepare: Know evacuation routes, gather essential contact information, and assemble an emergency kit.
Home safety: Secure furniture and appliances, and install earthquake alarm systems.
Information gathering: Familiarize yourself with disaster preparedness information from local authorities and embassies.
During an earthquake
Stay calm: Follow evacuation plans and prioritise safety.
Download a quake app: If possible, use an earthquake app to receive notifications on early warnings.
General safety tips
Regular checks: Maintain your emergency kit by checking expiration dates and replenishing supplies.
Spatial awareness: Be mindful of your surroundings and potential hazards, especially when visiting dark and unfamiliar places that obscure your sight.
Also read: Strong Earthquake Hits Kyushu, Japan. Tsunami Advisory in Effect
Proactive planning is essential for earthquake preparedness. Having a well-stocked emergency kit readily available can be a lifesaver. Knowing evacuation routes and safety procedures is crucial for protecting yourself and your loved ones, while staying informed about earthquake risks and updates ensures you’re prepared for any eventuality.
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