Moray Inca Ruins: An Ancient Engineering Mystery in Peru

Moray Inca Ruins: An Ancient Engineering Mystery in Peru

Situated on a high plateau northwest of Cuzco and west of Maras village in Peru, the Moray Inca ruins are additional proofs of the great ingenuity of the Incas.

moray inca ruins

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Aside from the well-known Machu Picchu, here’s another archaeological wonder you need to visit in Peru. Situated on a high plateau northwest of Cuzco and west of Maras village in Peru, the Moray Inca ruins are additional proofs of the great ingenuity of the Inca civilisation.

Image credits: Philipp Weigell

The exact function of the terraced circular depressions still remains a mystery. Some people believe that the ruins were used as laboratories to experiment on different crops at varying temperatures. Others say they serve as agricultural structures to grow a different breed of corn in the cold climate of the region. Whatever the purpose is, there is no denying the fact that this archaeological site is a piece of ancient engineering wonder one should see in their lifetime.

-13.329857, -72.196844,Moray Inca Ruins, Urubamba Province, Peru

Add visiting the Moray Inca ruins in your list of must-do activities in Peru.

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