Scoot Offers Flights from Changi to Berlin Starting From Just S$200!

Scoot Offers Flights from Changi to Berlin Starting From Just S$200!

Plus, you can travel quarantine-free!

With international travel gradually returning to Singapore, many avid travellers in the country have begun making plans. In fact, did you hear about the Singapore Airlines website crashing the moment an announcement was made about Singapore’s VTL expansion

While Singaporeans are eagerly waiting for the new VTL routes to open (November vacation in South Korea, anyone?), one popular VTL route that is already open is between Singapore and Germany! 

flights to berlin

Image credit: Darren Nunis

Not only is Germany one of the most beautiful destinations in Europe, but it has also shown itself to be one of the safest in terms of the pandemic. What’s more exciting is that, now that travel to Germany has resumed under the VTL scheme, there are now incredible flight deals for Singaporeans to choose from!

Changi to Berlin from only S$200*

scoot flights

Image credit: Reiseuhu

In particular, Scoot, Singapore’s top low-cost carrier, recently announced that it was offering flights from Singapore to the city of Berlin from as low as only S$200! 

These non-stop VTL flights to and from Berlin start from 19 October and it is understood that there will be three flights weekly, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. The offer lasts till 17 October, but judging by the popular response, we won’t be surprised if these one-way flights sell out way before then!

*Including taxes. Terms and conditions apply. 

Booking that trip to Germany?

We know, we know, who can resist such prices, right? But before you book that trip, make sure to go through all the travel restrictions in Germany! What’s more, make sure you’re booking a VTL flight and not a regular one because these quarantine-free flights only operate on certain days!

About Author

Darren Yeoh
Darren Yeoh

Darren enjoys the finer things in life and loves exploring unfamiliar places on foot, guided with nothing but instinct and a good-old fashioned map. He enjoys cultural experiences and exciting adventures and is not a stranger to travelling alone. When he's not putting his travel experiences into words, he's probably sitting behind his laptop, planning his upcoming adventure.