From glass skin to honey skin, we’ve seen a number of Korean beauty trends over the years. Most of them involve a highly intricate process that can take anything from ten to twelve steps — all in the mission of helping our skin feel effortlessly radiant and smooth.
But for people with sensitive skin, the chemical effects can be a different story. Depending on your skin type or any preexisting conditions you might have, slathering on too many gels and creams each day might trigger a different reaction, leading to clogged pores or sudden flare-ups of acne.
It’s always important to pay close attention to what your skin is telling you. If you’re experiencing irritated skin with your regimen, that could be a sign that your skin needs a reset. Maybe it’s time to take a step back from a meticulous beauty routine and return to the basics. That’s where the “skincare diet” comes in.
What’s a skincare diet?
Don’t worry. This has nothing to do with limiting your food intake!
Essentially, a skincare diet involves paring down a complicated beauty ritual to only the basics steps. Hence, the word “diet” refers to cutting down on unnecessary products and minimising the physical damage on sensitive skin. Applying the “less is more” principle to skin health, a skincare diet retains three components: facial cleanser, moisturisers, and sunscreen.
Too many products in your beauty regimen will make it harder to tell which step is causing you to develop allergic reactions, inflammations, or breakouts. That’s why a skincare diet is a great way to isolate the products that aren’t working for you so that you can find the ones that are actually worth keeping.
Even Korean celebrities like Day6’s Jae and EXID’s Hani have switched to shorter beauty routines with only two steps. Granted, it’s true that many Korean pop stars have great skin already.
Still, you have nothing to lose, right? Here’s how to make the most important steps of your skincare routine count.
Step 1: Cleanse your skin
First, lather on a facial cleanser that effectively removes the dirt, pollutants, and impurities from your skin. This is an essential step that must never be skipped — no matter how quick your skincare diet may be. For gentle facial cleansers that will leave your skin feeling refreshed and silky smooth, check out our recommendations below:
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Step 2: Moisturise
Second, use a face moisturiser that will vitalise your skin and lock in moisture for the daytime. Then at the end of the evening, cap off your beauty ritual with a night cream that will keep your face smooth and illuminated while you sleep.
Considering the hot and humid climates in Southeast Asia, it can be tempting to overlook moisturiser altogether. To survive in this sticky heat, the trick is to find a lightweight and gel-based moisturiser that will hydrate your skin while regulating the moisture levels in your oil-prone areas. Say goodbye to all those greasy days — from now on, you’ll look glossy for the right reasons!
Whether you have dry or acne-prone skin, it’s best to steer clear of using moisturisers with harsh ingredients that might aggravate any allergies or preexisting skin conditions. Need help in searching for the right moisturiser? Luckily, we’ve prepared a few curated picks to help you find your way:
Also read: Wondering Why Your Skincare Routine Isn’t Working? Here’s What You Need to Know!
Step 3: Apply sunscreen
Third, generously apply sunscreen to your face — yes, even if you aren’t venturing outside or exposing yourself to sunlight. This is an indispensable step of the skincare diet because sun protection helps you combat wrinkles, sun spots, and other effects of ageing.
Dermatologists recommend that you use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30. Not only will it protect you from harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays that inflict sunburn or rashes, but it will also reduce your risk of getting skin cancer.
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And just like that, you’re done! Wasn’t that easy?
When it comes to choosing the right skincare products for you, it definitely helps to narrow down your choices in effectiveness and consistency. Ultimately, the appearance of your skin will reflect how well you can maintain your routine over a long period of time.
So if a 10-step process brings you amazing effects and is no sweat for you to sustain, that’s fantastic! But if an elaborate beauty regimen is too costly or time-consuming right now, then maybe a simpler method like the “skincare diet” will complement your lifestyle better.
Like all matters of beauty and health, the skincare diet isn’t a one-size-fits-all scenario. Don’t hesitate to throw on a sheet mask or a serum every once in a while, especially if you feel like your skin could use the extra nourishment. Find a healthy balance among the products out there, until you discover the routine that gives you the dewy, glowing complexion you desire!