20 Fun Things to Do in Fiji on Your First Visit

20 Fun Things to Do in Fiji on Your First Visit

Fiji is teeming with things to do, from adrenaline adventures, island hopping, exploring villages and much more! This list will get you started.


If you’re planning a trip to Fiji, lucky you! A beautiful beach paradise with stunning coral reefs, adrenaline-pumping adventures and friendly locals await you. You might even find happiness in Fiji!

Be warned that once you step on the Fiji shores, you might never want to come home. There are so many things to do in Fiji to keep you occupied for days, weeks or even months! This list will get you started.

Also read: Why Fiji is the New Maldives

1. Bask on the beaches

things to do in fiji

Image credit: South Sea Cruises

We’re sure that this idea popped into your head when you think about Fiji, with its alluring, pristine white beaches. Ah, the beaches of Fiji are truly amazing! Slap on your sunscreen and have a quiet time lazing by the beach or suntanning until the sun goes down. 

2. Snorkel over coral reefs

things to do in fiji

Image credit: Kilroy Travels

If things get a little too hot, sign up for a snorkelling session to cool off. Take a relaxing swim across Fiji’s wondrous coral reefs and peek into the underwater world below. Known around the globe for their warm, clear waters and rich marine life, Fiji will give you a snorkelling experience that is unlike no other.

3. Take a deep breath and dive underwater

Image credit: Fiji Diving

Prefer to get up close and personal with the denizens in the water? Fiji has a large number of dive spots! Explore the corals in all their multi-coloured magnificence at the Great White Wall, home to the famous Rainbow Reef. Or swim alongside manta rays and sea turtles in the Great Astrolabe Reef, one of the world’s longest barrier reefs, while discovering their habitats!

If you’re feeling a little braver, you can accompany experienced Fijian divers as they feed the local sharks at Beqa Lagoon. Just be sure to follow the safety guidelines, else you’ll be on the menu as well!

4. Go kayaking with a friend

Image credit: South Seas Adventures

The waters around Fiji aren’t just great for swimming; they’re also perfect for paddling! Grab a friend and go kayaking for a coastal adventure along the beaches. Not only do you enjoy the cooling breeze and great scenery, you can also tone those arms with all that paddling. Talk about a fun way to exercise!

5. Embrace nature with a hiking trip

Want to explore the uncharted wilderness of Fiji? There are plenty of jungle trails that will have you hiking into Mother Nature’s territory if you wish! Observe the local flora and fauna in the Bouma National Heritage Park as you trek along muddy paths and rocky terrain. If it gets too hot, you can strip down and leap into one of the three Tavoro Waterfalls to cool off!

Looking for a tougher challenge? Then consider accepting the challenge of Des Voeux Peak! You’ll visit majestic landmarks and gaze over spectacular mountainside views as a reward for your efforts!

6. Take a relaxing cruise and enjoy the sights

You don’t have to expend that much effort if you’re just in it for the sights! Just sit back on a cruise and enjoy the clear waters as you go on a voyage across the numerous islands scattered around the mainland. Get on board with the South Sea Cruises by signing up for one of their numerous cruise packages, whether you’re looking to spend the whole day in the Pacific Ocean, or make it back to the mainland by lunchtime!

Snap a few photos when the cruise makes a stop at one of the Mamanuca islands and stir up some envious feelings amongst your friends back home!

7. Be (temporarily) marooned on an island

Enjoy the tropical island life by getting off at one of the stops during the cruise and spending the day there! Some islands, such as Mana or Navini are perfect for those who want a short escape from civilisation, while bigger ones like Malolo and Malolo Lailai (Little Malalo) are jam-packed with aquatic activities to satisfy the thrill-seekers.

Some of these islands also allow you to opt for a night’s stay, if you’re looking to escape the tourist day crowd. Depending on your preference, party-goers can expect an exciting night out at Beachcomber Island, while those with families might find Castaway Island (the same island where Tom Hanks was in Cast Away) more towards their liking!

8. Participate in a kava ceremony

Fijians often welcome guests with a traditional kava ceremony, where participants will sit in a circle on the floor while the host prepares a drink from pounded kava root. The chief guest, usually the eldest male in your group, will be the one who drinks the kava first – in one shot – and it will be passed down to the others.

It’s considered a happy ceremonial occasion to the locals, so do take a sip if you find yourself in a kava ceremony! For those who are worried about the taste, don’t worry. It’s just like water, only slightly bitter and powdery. Who knows? The drink might even grow on you, just like a local!

9. Be a “sacrifice” for a ceremony

Even though the last cannibalism act in Fiji occurred way back in 1867, you can still easily find on display the traditional tools used for the grisly purpose of consuming and preparing a human meal. Some of the locals might even be happy to show you a reenactment of the procedure – safely with props and replicas, of course.

Play the role of the “sacrifice” in the ritual and have your picture taken during the process, which you can show your friends when you return home for a good laugh!

10. Visit a local village

Drop by a local Fijian village to get a glimpse of their traditional way of life! Prepare for ceremonies and entertainment, as the locals are more than happy to welcome and show guests around. It’s in their culture to be friendly towards a stranger, so don’t feel shy when they ask you to introduce yourself. Their inclusive community might just leave you feeling forlorn when you return back to the cold city life.

You can offer gifts once you’re leaving but it’s not mandatory. Don’t feel bad; you bring much joy to these locals just by visiting them! I was caught empty-handed on my visit to Koroua Village, but one of the villagers waved off my stammered apology and laughed heartily. He told me that having a new member to the “family” was just as big as a gift as anything I could ever bring! 

11. Spy on the local birds

Image credit: Sigakota

Fiji is home to a large number of exotic birds, including the collared lory and the red-throated lorikeet. Some of them are endangered and hence kept in eco-parks in hopes of increasing their population. Bird enthusiasts who wish to watch these rare avian creatures in the trees can pay these parks a visit and catch them in action. No need to travel into sweltering forests and lie in wait just to spot one, hooray!

12. Bring out your surfing board

Image credit: PVV Tours

For those looking to catch some waves, Fiji will not disappoint, especially during the months of May to October when the colossal breaks (waves) arrive. These large waves will leave even experienced surfers with second thoughts on riding the surf!

Cloudbreak, a renowned surf spot, is ranked as among one of the top ten most challenging waves around the world. Even professional surfers have a tough time handling the waves there, so don’t go thinking that your Wave House Sentosa experience will save you. 

13. Go skydiving

Image credit: Skydive Fiji

If jumping out of a plane sounds like your idea of fun, you’re in luck! Sign up for a skydiving trip over Fiji’s islands! Not only do you get a thrilling adrenaline rush during the free fall, you’ll also be poised for an amazing view of coral reefs, clear waters and sandy beaches!

The prices may be off-putting to some, with the cheapest jump priced at F$740 (S$437) while the more expensive ones range from F$830 (S$490) to F$915 (S$540). However, it’s definitely an experience that’s worth every penny. Professional instructors will make sure that your skydiving experience will be a safe and smooth one. Gear up and enjoy the ride!

14. Enjoy a traditional Fijian lovo

Learn more about the Fijian culture by participating and learning about lovo, the traditional Fijian way of cooking. It involves wrapping food in banana leaves and cooking them over hot rocks in a shallow hole underground. During the preparation, the chefs will be more than happy to share with you how the process works.

But of course, most of us are more interested in the feasting itself! The lovo will usually be ready before dinner, accompanied by a meke, a traditional Fijian storytelling through dance and songs. To those who are curious, the lovo tastes exactly like a delicious barbeque!

15. Zip-line through the trees

Image credit: Scott & Kathie Adventures

Want to feel like Tarzan in the middle of the jungle? Well, you can’t swing from vine to vine, but you can definitely try out the next best thing! Plenty of places offer canopy tours where you’ll take a zip-line from tree to tree. You’ll fly across lush greenery and enjoy stunning views from high above – if you dare to keep your eyes open, that is! 

16. Brush up on your knowledge of coconuts

Many of us think of coconuts as nothing more than a tasty beverage. But to the Fijians, coconuts have so many other uses than a thirst-quenching drink! From its husk, which can be weaved into fibrous materials, or the coir, usually used in ropes and strings, the locals make sure that every part of the fruit does not go to waste. While you’re in Fiji, take on the challenge to improve your knowledge on the humble coconut – the locals will be more than happy to share what they know!

17. Get hitched by the beachfront

Image credit: The Mom Reviews

Want your wedding to be something out of a fairytale? Consider holding your wedding ceremony in Fiji! 

Many resorts around Fiji offer guests beautiful spaces to host private weddings, from chapels and coral lagoons to lush gardens. Couples can select the venue of their dreams as the backdrop for the happiest day of their lives! They can also spice it up by opting for a traditional Fijian wedding ceremony, where they will be accompanied by warrior guards and village flower girls during the procession.

18. Get wrapped in a banana leaf massage

This wrap massage may unsettle a few people at first since you begin by being wrapped with banana leaves and then coated in natural brown sugar and virgin coconut oil. It almost feels as if you’re being seasoned for the oven! But once the head massages start, you’ll forget all your worries. Accompanied with the strategically-placed natural sounds outside, you’ll feel positively refreshed after the session!

19. Put your angling skills to the test

Image credit: Adrenalin Fiji

Fiji is a paradise for those who love dropping a line into the water, given the rich marine biodiversity in the surrounding waters. Some resorts offer game fishing tours and boat charters for guests who are keen on catching various kinds of fish.

Be sure to note the months when specific fishes would populate the waters! You might be disappointed when you can’t seem to catch that blue marlin in December. Another thing to take note of is that villages have rights over nearby reefs and any fish caught in them, so check with the locals before you throw your line in!

20. Learn to prepare Fijian sashimi

Known as kokoda, this traditional Fijian dish of raw fish is not cooked on the stove or in the oven; instead, it is “cooked” by squeezed lemon or lime juice! The acidity of the juice cooks the raw fish when left to marinate in a bowl for about 45 minutes in the fridge. Mixed with vegetables, fruits and chilli, this simple yet ingenious recipe can easily be learnt from local chefs at resorts! Just ask and they’ll be glad to show you the simple process of preparing your own Fijian sashimi!

I hope this list has given you a rough idea on what to do in Fiji. Don’t panic if you can’t seem to fit everything into your schedule! Just pick the ones that you’re most interested in, and return to Fiji again to complete the rest!

There’s no rush when you’re in Fiji. As the locals would say, you’re on Fiji time!

About Author

Youliang Teo
Youliang Teo

When he’s not caught up with the real world, Teo Youliang dreams of simply grabbing a rucksack and setting off on an adventure of a lifetime. Whether it means venturing through unknown places, meeting new faces, or frustratingly figuring out a travel map for hours, you can be sure that there isn’t any other place he’d rather be. He’s also content with a hot cup of tea, and writing stories at the comfort of his home.


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