Anime fans, have you ever imagined stepping into the shoes of your favourite high school characters? In the rural town of Kimitsu, Chiba prefecture, a former junior high school has been transformed into a unique program called “Your High School” (Kimi no Koko). This experience allows visitors to go through a day in the life of a Japanese student.
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Activities included in the experience
Participants don authentic Japanese school uniforms as part of the experience. The activities include:
Calligraphy Lessons
An introduction to Japanese calligraphy, focusing on technique and the cultural significance of this traditional art form.
Sports Day Events
A recreation of typical Japanese school sports day activities, such as relay races and tug-of-war.
Classroom Cleaning
Visitors participate in classroom cleaning, a common practice in Japanese schools to instil a sense of responsibility and community.
History Lessons
Short, interactive lessons that provide insights into Japan’s cultural and historical background.
Graduation Ceremony
The day concludes with a ceremony where participants receive a diploma, marking the end of the experience.
The cost for this program is 40,000 yen (S$352) per adult and ¥15,000 (S$132) for children aged 6 to 12. Transportation services departing at 8:30 AM from Shinjuku, Tokyo are also available.
Additional features
After the main activities, the program includes a small festival, featuring a candy corner offering traditional Japanese sweets and sake tasting for adult participants.
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“Your High School” provides a glimpse into everyday life in Japan. Whether you’re looking to deepen your understanding of the culture or simply try something different, this experience is worth considering during your visit to Chiba.