The World’s Most Visited Cities in 2019: Hong Kong Takes The Top Spot

The World’s Most Visited Cities in 2019: Hong Kong Takes The Top Spot

With the ever fleeting travel trends coming and going, it is difficult to pin the most visited destination for the year. Here is a quick look at the top 20 most visited cities in 2019!

Image credit: Leo Hidalgo

You might have your favourite destinations, but just which cities around the world proved to be most popular in 2019? According to UK-based market research company, Euromonitor International Top 100 City Destinations 2019 Report, the most visited destination in the world this year is – surprise, surprise – Hong Kong.

Despite the country’s struggle with political unrest and protests this year, Hong Kong proves triumphant as it looks to welcome over 26 million international tourists before the end of the year.

Despite decline in tourist numbers, Hong Kong is still #1

Image credit: Mitch Altman

While many expected a decline in the tourism industry due to the intensity of anti-government sentiment and protests that escalated in June, most of the visitors to the country notes that they have been able to go about their travels safely and without much fuss. However, the study still affirms that the political instability has contributed to a decline of tourist numbers by 8.7% from 2018.

Tourism in 2019 has often been distinguished by urban protest – most getting involved in discussions about over tourism and the like. Still, urban cities continues to be on the top of travel bucket lists. Bangkok and London holds the place to number two and three further reasserting how urban centers are a desirable travel spot. Euromonitor also observed that Asian countries are continuing to dominate the charts, thanks to the increasing number of Chinese tourists.

Singapore is a destination to watch

Image credit: Mitch Altman

Euromonitor highlighted Singapore as an up-and-coming tourist destination, who saw an increase of 5.3% through 2018. The survey notes Singapore’s “strong tourism industry” and ability to “market the local experience”. In the survey, Euromonitor also predicts Brexit to impact future numbers in a cloud of extreme uncertainty. For instance, while London is holding onto its spot as number three, it is likely for the city to fall down to number five in terms of tourists numbers.

Tourists are craving “authenticity” more than ever

Image credit: Shawn Allen

This marketing of the “local experience” is one that reverberates across the world. In Europe, hotspots like Croatia, Slovenia and Sweden has climbed up the rankings due to the authenticity of the experience offered. These newer, localised experiences located in places that are less crowded and often more low cost making them extremely desirable.

Another issue that factors into an increase of number is also the infrastructural improvements within the city. For instance, thanks to the improved Terminal 2 in Hurghada International Airport, the Red Sea coastal city of Hurghada also rose up in rankings from number 82 to 45 this year. Availability of free transit visa with many benefits is also an impactful factor, like in the Middle East and Africa, Dubai, standing at number seven.

The World’s 20 Most Visited Cities in 2019!

About Author

Natasha Shadeanna
Natasha Shadeanna

Natasha is always on a quest to find a place where it is always spring. Until then, she spends her days reading travel journals, watching travelogues and searching for cheap flights to anywhere around the world. If a bar is playing good music, she’s probably there with a drink in hand.


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